Six Reasons You Might Need A Carpet Cleaning Before the Holidays
1. Recovering from Halloween: Are still recovering from crazy Halloween trick-or-treating and messy festivities? Then it might be about time to give yourself a fresh start for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Candy, sticky food and cider in the carpet from Halloween does not make your house comfortable for enjoying the holidays.
2. Your Spouse is a Hunter: Your lovely spouse spent the day hunting and brought home the Thanksgiving venison…? Or turkey? While you may be excited about this great accomplishment, you may be less than excited about the trail of animal remnants and dirt tracked into the house and onto the carpet on the way to putting the Thanksgiving game into the refrigerator.
3. School Projects: School has been back in session for a couple months no and all the art supplies are out and scattered across the tables, floors and carpets. After lids were not put back on the markers, paints, glitter… you have one big mess on your hands.
4. Weather Changes: Fall and winter weather changes means more rain, snow and unfortunately more mud. And especially here in Michigan where we have a beautiful, sunny day immediately followed by a day full of rain and wind. Everybody naturally tracks in mud (even when it’s not visible), so if your carpets have already taken a few hits with mud stains, it’s probably long past due for you to have your carpet professionally cleaned.
5. Plumbing Issues: Flooding from the summer rain and the unpredictable fall weather can cause plumbing issue which is one good reason to call in the professionals. Water from toilets soaking into to your carpets and soiling your tile and grout is the last thing you want to deal with around the holidays when your home is preparing to be filled to the brim with family and friends.
6. In-Laws Visiting: With Thanksgiving and Christmas around the corner, it’s highly likely your in-laws will be visiting. If it’s been a while since your house and carpets have been professionally cleaned, maybe it’s time for you to schedule an appointment. Why be stressed over getting your house immaculate for visitors and worrying about that stain on the couch or that spill on the carpet when we can do it for you? You have enough to worry about during the holidays!

Give Mighty Clean Carpet and Upholstery a call today 313-978-1500 to schedule your carpet cleaning before the holidays arrive!